If you have downloaded corrupted or incompatible Java midlets or other media,
which are causing problems with the phone, try this
*2767*JAVA# Java Reset and (Deletes all Java Midlets)
*2767*MEDIA# Reset Media (Deletes All Sounds and Pics)
*2767*WAP# Wap Reset
*2767*CUST# Reset Custom EEPR0M
*2767*FULL# Reset Full EEPR0M (Caution)
For example : *2767*JAVA# would be keyed in as *2767*5282#
Note : Not all codes will work with SGH-C100.
The master reset code is:
This will not delete anything from your
mobile phone, but set each and eveything to its
default/standard setting as it was on the time of purchase.
To unlock your phone put a sim from another company,
now type *#9998*3323# it will reset your phone. Push exit and then push 7,
it will reset again. Put your other sim in and it will say sim lock,
type in 00000000 then it should be unlocked. Type in *0141# then
the green call batton and it's unlocked to all networks.
This code may not work on the older phones and some of the newer phones.
If it doesn't work you will have to reset your phone without a sim in it
by typing *#2767*2878# or *#9998*3855# (not tested)
Other Samsung Codes
*#9998*4357# Help Menu
*#9998*5282# Java menu (GRPS/CSD settings for JAVA server)
*#9999#0# Monitor Mode
*#9999# or *#9998*9999# Software Version
*#8888# or *#9998*8888# Hardware Version
*#9998*746# or *#9998*0746# or *#0746# Sim Infos
*#9998*523# or *#9998*0523# or *#0523# Display Contrast
*#9998*842# or *#9998*0842# or *#0842# Vibration On (until you push OK)
*#9998*289# or *#9998*0289# or *#0289# Buzzer On (until you push OK)
*#9998*288# or *#9998*0288# or *#0288# Battery & Field Infos
*#9998*377# or *#9998*0377# Error log
*#9998*778# or *#9998*0778# or *#0778# Sim Service table
*#9998*782# show date and alarm clock
*#8999*638# show network information
*#9998*5646# change operator logo at startup
*#9998*76# production number
*#9998*968# view melody for alarm
*#9998*585# Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
*#3243948# Digital Audio Interference Off
*#32436837# Digital Audio Interference On
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Secret Tricks For Samsung Mobile or Cellphone
Labels: Tips And Tricks, Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Secret Tricks For Motorola Mobile Or Cellphone
Code to lock keys. Press together *7
Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.
Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):
[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []
Add phonebook to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []
Add messages to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []
Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []
Eng Field options (main menu):
[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []
Slow (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []
Medium (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []
Fast (Frequency of search menu):
[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []
Enable EFR:
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []
Function :
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []
Change pin:
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []
Unblocking using the "puk" number:
[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []
You can change GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model.
Following the below steps:
enter menu and press 048263* quickly,
then you will enter the secret engineering menu under "Opcode"
input 10*0*3 for GSM 900
10*0*4 for GSM 1800
10*0*5 for GSM 1900
10*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/1800
10*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900
To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650,
press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press ok.
press 50 and ok.press 1 ok.press 64 ok.press 1 ok.press 186 and ok.
You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.
Labels: Tips And Tricks, Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Secret Trick For BenQ-Siemens Mobiles or Cellphone
Language Menu for BenQ-Siemens mobile
English menu:
Deutsch menu:
Secret Code for BenQ
*#0606# remove sim card before
Unlock Sim:
*#0003*(secret code)#
Bonus Screen:
Factory settings:
Type *#9999# to reset factory settings.
Labels: Tips And Tricks, Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Secret Tricks For Sony Ericsson Mobile or Cellphone
Sony Ericsson Secret Menu:
> * < < * < * > means press joystick or arrow keys to right
The Service Menu will appears containing following information !
1. Service Info
a. Software Version
b. SIMlock
c. Configuration
2. Service Setting
a. Contrast
3. Service Test
a. Display
b. LED/Illumination - *This test is very cool
c. Keyboard
d. Buzzer
e. Vibrator
f. Earphone
g. Microphone
h. Real Time Clock
i. Joystick Counter*
Lockstatus: < * * <
Shortcut to last dialed numbers: 0#
Shortcut to sim numbers: On main menu type a number and press #
If you change the language from default to any other language, then it may be difficult to switch to default language.
The shortcut is very simple. Just press <>
<> stands for right arrow button or joystick.
Secret Games: Snake on the T68
Go to Erix and then on the main screen press 123 and you will be taken to the game.
Secret Message:
On Tetris on the main screen when the blocks are falling press 397 and a message will appear.
Labels: Tips And Tricks, Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Secret Tricks For Nokia Mobile Or Cellphone
On the main screen type *#06#
Information you get from the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
TAC = Type approval code of your nokia Mobile
FAC = Final assembly code of your cellphone
SNR = Serial number of your nokia Phone
SP = Spare
To check the phones Software revision for Nokia Mobile.
On the main screen type *#0000#
To enter in the secret menu in Nokia Phone.
On the main screen type *#92702689# [*#war0anty#]
It will take you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)
To restore Factory Settings for Nokia mobile
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
Taking picture without getting noticed.
Turn on/off the "click" sound made by the camera by selecting the 'Silent' profile or by turning warning tones on/off.
Hiding your Mobile/ Cellphone Number
Go to: Menu > Tools > Settings > Call > Send My Caller ID >
'Yes', 'No' or 'Set By Network' to follow the default settings of your home network.
It works only with very few network who provide you facility of “Private Number”
Speed Dialing From Simcard contact (not stored in mobile phonebook)
Type number followed by # then call.
Example: 1# or 2# or 21#
Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and your phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap.
Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits.
Try this secret trick if you can handle the unexpected.
Note: This secret trick wont work with all phones Models.
Now you can spy on anyone using your cellphone. Just do the following.
- Activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile of your cellphone and set the ringing volume to "Mute"
- Short-circuit the left middle and right pins on the bottom of the mobile phone with all connections touching each other this will activate profile "Headset".
If you cant do this just keep your earphone connected to mobile. - Now place it under a table in a room and call it. Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just call on your phone.
- The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying.
Labels: Tips And Tricks, Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Nokia Codes
Nokia Code Function
*3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec
*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
*#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
*#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
*#2640# Displays phone security code in use
*#30# Lets you see the private number
*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
*#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
*#67705646# Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible
*#7760# Manufactures code
*#7780# Restore factory settings
*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
*#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again
*#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
**21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered
**61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered
**67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered
12345 This is the default security code
press and hold # Lets you switch between lines
The Operating Systems
Symbian OS v6.1
Nokia 7650
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Siemens SX-1
Sendo X
Symbian OS v7.0
Nokia 3230
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6670
Nokia 7610
Panasonic X700
Panasonic X800
Symbian OS v8.0
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Symbian OS v8.1
Nokia N70
Nokia N90
Symbian OS v9.1
Nokia N91
Nokia 3250
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia E70
Nokia N71
Nokia N80
Nokia N92
All These Nokia phones Service Codes
*#0000# - SW version
*#06# - IMEI
*#war0anty# - SIMLOCK info
*3370# - Enhanced Full Rate ON
#3370# - OFF
*4720# - alternative sound quality codec ON
#4720# - OFF
*#7780# - default factory settings
*#7760# - production serial no.
*#2820# - Bluetooth info.
*#73# - reset phone timers and game scores.
*#7370925538# - delete all the content of the wallet and the wallet code.
*#7370# - soft format — erases all telephone memory.
[Green]*3 - hard format — if only the telephone memory is formatted, puts back the attitudes and reboots
*#delset# - MMS/GPRS settings removalSource : http://miisc.sitesled.com/AllNokiaCodeFunction.htm
Labels: Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Collection of Cool SMS
When things go wrong, when sadness fills ur heart, when tears flow in ur eyes,Always remember three things
1)Am with you
2)U have money
3)Bar is open
lets go.
one elephant and two ants was fighting.one ant is thrown away by the elephant
and the other ant sits on top of the elephant.what did the wounded ant say?
aliya chavitti kollada avane
When u find love treasure it,take care of it,be true to it,make good use of it,coz love comes unseen.u can only see it when its gone…
A sparrow was in love with a white rose.One fine day this sparrow proposed the white rosre.The white rose told when she turns red she’ll love him.Sparrow tares his body and slowly spreads his blood in the white rose and it turns red and fell in love but the sparrow is no more.This is love…
What happened to ur network i tried to call u,but the operator said ‘welcome to jungle,the monkey u r trying to call is on the tree plz try after sometime’.
Smoke everyday.It means
K-kiddillen SMSM
.So smoke everyday…
Request :be a chain smoker.
My eyes r full of uncontrollable tearsbcoz u r far away frm me.I wish if u were near me today to cut these onions instead of me.
True friends r like diamonds…They r real & rare.False frnds r like leaves…They r scattered everywhere.some times it will be a painful journey finding them.
A doctor can save my life
A lawer can defend my life
A sodier can giv me a peaceful life
but only a friend like u can give me ur wife.
Mr.inside went to see Mr.outside.Inside standing outside called outside outside.but outside sitting inside callled inside inside.when inside came inside outside went outside to see inside.then outside called inside outside.but inside from inside called outside inside.now where is ur brain?inside or outside???
If u r not sleeping read this message.otherwise just sleep.I just had a doubtif u r still sleeping bcoz u seem to be sleeping now.so if u still want to sleep i want to tell u that if u still want sleep just sleep.hope i have not disturbed u when u were sleeping and sorry for disturbing u while u where sleeping.Gnight
Do u remember the day we travelled in a car? I put my dog out of the window and u put ur face out ,then people satrt shouting “TWINS TWINS”
Troubles as light as air; love as deep as ocean; friends as solid as diamond; success as bright as gold; these are my wishes for u on this SEASON.
GIRLS POLICY: Fraud with innicent boys! Fun with handsome boys! Friendship with smart boys! Love with faithful boys! Marriage with rich boys! So be careful!!!
Husband and wife are like two tyres of bajaj scooter.If one punctures,the vehicle wont move further.Intelligent men always carry a stepny with them.
WOMAN has ‘MAN’ in it.MRS has ‘MR’ in it.FEMALE has ‘MALE’ in it.SHE has ‘HE’ in it.MADAM has ‘ADAM’ in it.No wonder “MEN” always want to be inside.
Every company is like a tree full of monkeys.Those at the top can only see monkeys below tehm & those at the bottom can see only assholes above them.
A special program to update the brain.Enter ur name and press update
ERROR.No BRAIN found.Thank you for using this program
If a smile could be a raindrop i would wish that it keeps raining throughout ur life so that there may be no place for tears in ur life.
Hey why are u so angry with me? What made u so angry? Why are u not messaging me? What was my mistake? Afetrall what did i do? I accidentally stepped on ur TAIL thats all…
Think BIG
Think ONE
Think WISE
If that is too much for u here is a shortcut…Just think of ME.
As I wathced the ants crawl up the wall i noticed that no matter how busy they are,they still stop & communicate with another. Hope we can be like them in touch for ever.
Sincere apology:if u dont like any of me SMS & dont like to read or if my msg disturb u,then please dont hesitate,feel free to………Throw ur mobile away…
Nobody can stop me.I’ll send u SMS till my death ? NO!Ur death,NO! World ends ? NO! Oxygen available ? NO Truly speaking till SMS is free for me…
YOU are someone i dont want to lose…
YOU are someone i wont forget…
YOU are someone who is special to me…
Who said ENglish is easy,fill this blank with YES or NO…
1.___I dont have a brain.
2.___I dont have sense.
3.___I am stupid.
Friendship is like wine…as it gets older it gets more sweeter…just like u n me…u r getting older and am getting sweeter…
Look at the sky & see gods glory.look at teh moon & see gods wonder.look at the mirror & see gods BLUNDER…
Friends are like fishes…u hav to sit patiently for a long time to catch a nice one…just like i caught u…better stay nice or i’ll fry u…
What is common between KRISHNA,RAM,GHANDI,BUDHA & JESUS ? sardar replied…all are born on government holidays!!!
In a survey it was asked in how many days a 1000 page book can be read.
Writer-4 months
Docter-2 months
Lawyer-1 month
Engineer-on the night bfore exam
Last nite I lay in bed, looking at the stars, the beautiful sky and the endless horizon…. and suddenly I thought… where the hell is my roof?
You are like the sunshine so warm,****you are like sugar, so sweet…****you are like you…****and that’s the reason why I love you!
Latest in college:Twinkle twinkle little star,Just I went to media bar,Quarter rate is up so high,I drank a beer with chicken fry…
Sardar breaks an egg to make omlette but notices that the egg is empty.Sardar says”saala!now a days even hens have started using condoms!!”
This is to formally announce that i have started christmas gifts in CASH CHEQUES & CHOCOLATES etc.Avoid last day rush,send them now…
Girl friends are like net virus:
They enter ur life,scan ur pockets,edit ur mind,download problems & delete ur happiness.
Recent survey has shown taht 85% of Btech students are infected by AIDS.Shocked AIDS-Attendance& Internals Deficiency Syndrome.
GIRL-Ghost In Real Life.
So avoid them and forward their numbers to me.
Written on the tshirt of a girl:
Statuatory warning:Objects inside the tshirt are larger than tehy appear from outside!!!
Two men at a bar struck up a converstaion.One of them said,u think only u have family problems,listen to my situation.A few years ago i met a young widow with a daughter.We got married.Later my father married my step-daughter.That made my step-daughter my step-mother and my father became my step-son.Also my wife became mother-in-law of her father-in-law.Then the daughter of my wife ie my step-mother had a son.So i am my own grandpa,confused!!!
Theory is when u know something but it doesent work.Practise is when something works but u dont know why.Engineers combine thery & practise.Nothing works & they dont know why.
A little boy asked a pregnant lady pointing to her stomach whats that.
lady:thats my sweet baby.i lov him very much.
Kid:then why the hell did u eat him.
Do you know what is “anatomized juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in a state of contratcion”,it is the biochemical definition of a kiss.
How indian professors speak english.Dont dare talk infront of my back.Both of you three stand together seperately.why are you so latee,say yes or no.take 5cm wire of any length.i have two daughters,both of them are girls.all of you stand in a atraight circle.quiet..the principal just passed away.
Woman life is very hard.Morning wash clothes,noon dry clothes,evening iron clothes,at night remove clothes,midnight searching for clothes.
Mom to her sexy daughter:Tell me the name of that bastard who made you pregnant.
Girl:Hey mom after eating a dozen of bananas can u tell which pne made you fat.
There are some of teh romantic countries in the world.
HOLLAND-Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies
ITALY-I Trust And Love YOU
LIBYA_Love Is Beautiful and You Also
and this is my favourite
FRANCE_Friendships Remain And Never Comes to an End.
Newtons law of Romance:-Love can neither be created nor be destroyed,it can only be changed from one girl friend to another with some loss of money…
Thalle ninakkipolum sukham thannalledey.Ipo entharu ninte mofile kadali veenodey msg onnum kananillalla.Thalle nee pulithanne ketta.chellakilli sugam thanne…
Bush asks God:When will Iraq be mine?
God:Not in ur life time.bush cries.
Mushraf asks God:When will Kashmir be in Pakistan?
God:Not in ur life time.mushraf cries.
And i asked God:When will this reader get brain?
This time God cries,and says:Not in my life time.
Ten commandments for engineering students
1.study only during study holidays.
2.shall treat all marks above 40 as bonus marks.
3.shall write all assignments only on the morning of submission.
4.spend as much money as possible.
5.70% attendance in canteen and theatre only.
6.pass gracefully
7.be an outstanding student.
8.give proxy.
9.if thou cant convince them confuse them.
10.start every sentence with aliya…
Sardar standing on balcony without shirt.neighbour said”what a nice chest”,sardar said “oye this is nothing come to my room and see my wife’s…
Ocean full of syllabus,river full of questions,bucketfull we study,mug level we write,marks come in drops.Thats is engineering.
If fate favours you one day and u r asked wha u wanna be,dont wish to be someone else,coz u r wonderful the way u are…Labels: Garfield's Collections
Posted by Henry at 10:58 PM 0 comments
How to turn your nokia N73 into N73 Music Edition
How to turn your nokia N73 into N73 Music Edition
This is what we do, step by step: Firstly, remember to back up
your data from the phone to the Memory card like that:
Tools/memory card/options/backup phone memory.
1. download that software tool NSS (Nemesis Service Suite)
2. Extract the tool from the archive and install it.
3. Connect ur N73 to the PC via data cable.
4. Now open NSS tool, in the upper right corner there is an icon
in a shape of “magnifier”, press it to find your attached device.
In the upper left corner is a button “info”, press it to find
out your phone firmware code. It should be something like
5. Now instead of the existing code write some of the follows:
0537289 Euro 1
0539193 France
0539207 Alps
0539239 Euro 2
0539256 Turkey
0539265 south Africa
0539269 Scandanavia
0539278 Baltains
0539279 Russia
0539284 Ukraine
0539285 Bulgaria
0539289 Hungary
0539291 Balkans
0539293 Greece/Cypurs
0539294 Lebanon
0539295 Gulf
0539298 Israel
0539299 Romania
0539343 Chinese, English
0539346 Philippines,English, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipino
0539349 Australia/New Zealand,English, Indonesia, Malaysia,
0539352 Indonesia -> English, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipino
0539354 India/Vietnam -> English, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipino
0539351Thailand -> English, Thai
0539341 Belarus (sorry guys, those are all the codes,that I
know, there are many more for every region of the world)
6. After u enter the desired code in the “Product code” field
press the “Write” button below. That’s it for now - exit the NSS
tool software.
The first part of the update is done,guys, now follow the
1. Without disconnecting your phone from the PC, go here to
download Nokia Software Updater:click here to go to the NOKIA
2. Install it on your PC and run it.
3. Follow the steps on NSU. That’s all!
In the end u should have a brand new N73 Music Edition with new
Music Player and 2-3 new themes
Now get your phone data from the backed up file on MMC like that:
Tools/Memory Card/Options/Restore from card.
Congratulations now you can enjoy the enhanced N73 with very nice sound - it rocks!
the author takes no gurantee about the correctness of this note. do at your own risk. Also doing so may void your warrenty .
nokia Tutorialsnokia Tutorials
Labels: Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 10:57 PM 0 comments
```Symbian Mobile Tricks And Tips```
Tip 1 :
Do u know how to use the edit button (abc or pencil button)?
Heres how… in the inbox for example; u wanna delete multiple sms, simply hold the edit button, scroll down, and then, press c to delete the marked sms. The edit button can also b used to copy and past text in sms, simply hold it and scroll across, choose copy. pretty good for placing song names in ngages
Tip 2 :
….happens, on a smartphone, its inevitable u do something wrong, and tis calls for a format of fone. to format the fone, press *#7370#, then enter the lock code(12345). NOTE: batt must b Charged it take 3-4 min, else if format is disrupted by low batt, consequences will b disatrous
I heard the code *#7780# works too, pretty much the same i tink.
for 6600 users, to format the fone, theres an alternative way. Press and hold <3>, <*>, and the buttons, then power on fone, keep holding on the 3 buttons, till u come to a format screen. tis method ONLY works on 6600, and need not enter the sec code. BUT sec code wun be reset to default 12345.
Tip 3 :
TO NGAGE USERS; Did u know u can install .sis files simply using the cable given? Juz plug it in, place the .sis file anywhere on e: (the mmc), not in any folders, root of e:, disconnect, then look for it in manager.
Tip 4:
Save on battery and system memory being used by regulary checking the task manager which can be accessed by holding down the menu button!!
Tip 5:
Type *#06# to display your IMEI serial number, very valuable for the unlocking your phone to other sim cards
Tip 6:
Type *#0000# to view which firmware version you are running
Tip 4a: Set the screen saver to a short time out period to prolong battery life.
Tip 4b: Avoid restarting the phone, or repeatedly turning it on and off. This helps increase battery life.
Tip 7:
If you would like to avoid being “blue jacked”, keep bluetooth turned off, or set your phone’s visibility to hidden.
Tip 8:
Don’t want to carry a watch and a phone? Set the screen saver to show date and time, then you can ditch the watch.
Tip 9:
Save memory when installing apps, by installing over bluetooth. This can be done using the nokia phone suite and a bluetooth serial connection. Only works with .SIS files, so java still has to be sent to the phone, but will save space when using .SIS files.
Tip 10:
Operator logos
Use a filemanager like FExplorer or SeleQ to add the folders: “c:/system/Apps/phone/oplogo”. Add a .bmp picture to folder “oplogo” and restart your phone! The .bmp picture size needs to be: 97 x 25 pixels
Tip 11:
Check if the recepients phone is on
Delivery reports
Type *0# your message in the message composer window space then write your message, the recipient will not see the star zero hash bit - just the message When they read it it will relay a message back to your fone showing the time they recieved it. (haven’t yet tried it myself though)
Tip 12:
First up, you need to know what Bluetooth is. There are lots of types of modern devices that incorporate Bluetooth as one of their many features. PDAs, mobile phones and laptops are a few of these modern devices. Bluetooth means that Bluetooth enabled devices can send things like phonebook/address book contacts, pictures & notes to other Bluetooth enabled devices wirelessly over a range of about 10 metres. So, we’ve got past the boring part. Now, using a phone with Bluetooth, you can create a phonebook contact and write a message, eg. ‘Hello, you’ve been bluejacked’, in the ‘Name’ field. Then you can search for other phones with Bluetooth and send that phonebook contact to them. On their phone, a message will popup saying “‘Hello, you’ve been bluejacked’ has just been received by Bluetooth” or something along those lines. For most ‘victims’ they will have no idea as to how the message appeared on their phone.
While you are viewing a picture in your phone’s gallery, press one of these shortcut keys (definitely works on 6600, not sure about other symbians)
1 - turn image anticlockwise
3 - turn image clockwise
* - toggle on/off of full screen
5 - zoom in
0 - zoom out
#15 u can select all files in a folder by selecting THE folder and copy it then paste it somewhere. however u need to make a new directory. fexplorer wun let u copy that folder together. well seleQ can mark files to copy but it really takes time!
#16: A soft and Hard reset
A Soft-reset - the process of resetting all the settings of the phone to the factory default! No applications are deleted! A Hard-reset is like formatting a drive! It does format the memory. Everything that has been installed after the first use of the phone is deleted! It will recover the memory of the phone to the state you purchased it! It is done by inputing the following code: *#7370# code:12345 NOTE: The battery must not be low it takes 3-4min.
#17: Formats of images
supported ones: JPG UPF GIF87a/89a WBMB MBM TIFF/F PNG EXIF
How to copy & paste text in your Nokia 3650:
Press and hold the pencil key and select your text using the scroll key.
Left function key will change to ‘Copy’. Press it to copy the selected text to clipboard.
You can paste the clipboard contents the same way:
press and hold the pencil key and press ‘Paste’. Or, press pencil key once and select ‘Paste’.
Press and hold the Menu key to open the application switching window, where you can *duh* switch between applications.
If a program hangs and you can’t shut it down, select the application in the
application switching window and press ‘C’ to kill it. It’s also a faster way to exit programs.
Turn on/off the “click” sound made by the camera by selecting the ‘Silent’ profile or by turning warning tones on/off:
Menu > Profiles > “select your activated profile” > Personalise > Warning tones > On/Off.
(This also effects the sound of Java games and apps).
To change background image go to:
Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > Standby mode > Background image > Yes > “choose an image”.
The best size for background images is 174×132 pixels.
Only got blue, green and purple in your 3650 colour palette?
This free app adds 3 more colours: Palette Extender.
Display an image when someone’s calling:
Menu > Contacts > “select a contact card” > Options > Edit > Options > Add thumbnail > “choose an image”.
Add a personal ringing tone to a contact:
Menu > Contacts > “select a contact card” > Options > Open > Options > Ringing tone > “choose a ringing tone”.
Delete all messages from your Inbox at once:
Menu > Messaging > Inbox > Options > Mark/Unmark > Mark all > Options > Delete.
Send or hide your caller ID: Go to: Menu > Tools > Settings > Call > Send My
Caller ID > ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Set By Network’ to follow the default settings of your home network.
If you often copy large files to your MultiMedia Card, I recommend a card reader.
E.g. With a card reader it takes only 12 seconds to copy a 10 MB file!
Record the sound of a phone call using the (sound) Recorder.
Menu > Extra’s > Recorder > Options > Record sound clip.
Note: short beeps are audible during call registration.
But there is a 60 second limitation so if you want unlimited sound recording get this app: Extended Recorder.
While writing text, press “#” to switch between upper and lower case and Dictonary on/off (predictive text input).
Press and hold “#” to switch between Alpha mode and Number mode.
Keyboard shortcuts for zooming and rotating images in Images:
1 = zoom in, 0 = zoom out, press and hold to return to the normal view.
2 = rotate anticlockwise, 9 = rotate clockwise, * = full screen.
In standby mode, press and hold the right soft key to activate voice dialling.
To add a voice tag to a phone number, open a contact card and scroll to the phone number and select:
Options > Add voice tag.
You can customize both soft keys located below the screen (in standby mode):
Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > Standby mode > Left/Right selection key > “select an application”.
In standby mode. press scroll key center (joystick) to go directly to Contacts.
In standby mode, press and hold 0 to launch your wap home page.
In Menu or any subfolder, press numbers 1 - 9 to start the application at that location.
In standby mode,
45# + dials the number on your sim in memory slot 45.
50# + dials slot 50 and so on.
If you have your keylock activated just press the on/off button to turn on your backlight
to look at the time when it’s dark without having to unlock the keypad.
Never, ever, in your whole life, install WildSkinz on your Nokia 3650!!! WildSkinz screws up
the whole 3650 system. It was never intended to work on the 3650, only on the 7650.
Labels: Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Samsung INNOV8 (i8510) Reviews

# Dimensions of 106.5 x 53.9 x 17.2 mm. This compares quite favourably with the 103 x 55 x 20 mm dimensions of the N96.
# 2.8 inch, QVGA screen with 16 million colours.
# Integrated GP S with support for A-GPS via S60.
# Integrated accelerometer sensor, which will be used for automatic screen rotation.
# Runs S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2
Samsung today announced the high-end, feature packed Samsung INNOV8 (model number i8510). It is an S60 slider with a 8 megapixel, autofocus camera with dual LED flash. The phone runs S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2 and other key features include a 2.8 inch screen, WiFi, 16GB of on board flash memory, optical sensor, integrated GPS, accelerometer sensor, and DNSe audio technology.
Key features of the Samsung INNOV8 (i8510)
# 8 megapixel auto focus camera with dual LED flash. Camera functions / modes include Smart Reader, Image Stabilizer, Auto-Panor ama Shot, Smile Shot, Blink Shot, Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), and Face Detection. The camera can also capture video at VGA (30 frames per second) and QVGA (120 frames per second) resolutions. There's also on board software for editing images and videos (Movie Maker and Storyboard applications).
# Dimensions of 106.5 x 53.9 x 17.2 mm. This compares quite favourably with the 103 x 55 x 20 mm dimensions of the N96.
# 2.8 inch, QVGA screen with 16 million colours.
# Integrated GP S with support for A-GPS via S60.
# Integrated accelerometer sensor, which will be used for automatic screen rotation.
# Optical sensor, this takes the form of a touch pad (as on laptops) like control in the centre of the D-pad. It can be used to move around the UI or as for 'mouse-like' functionality in the S60 browser. It has been used on a number of previous Samsung products such as the i870.
# 16GB of internal flash memory and a microSD card slot support cards up to 16GB in size (SDHC).
# Support for HSDPA at 7.2 bps (3.5G) connectivity on 900 and 2100 Mhz WCDMA bands, quad band GSM, Bluetooth 2.0 (including A2DP support), WiFi and USB 2 (Full-speed). WiFi will enable DNLA (UPnP) support for audio and video.
# 3.55 mm audio out jack, support for MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, WMA (including DRM), AMR and RealAudio audio formats, stereo FM radio (with RDS) and DNSe audio technology. Digital Natural Sound engine (DNSe) is an audio enhancement technology used across a portfolio of Samsung products and helps to produce higher quality surround sound. On the phone it will likely make an appearance via Music player presets.
# In video playback supported formats include DivX, H.263, H.264, WMV, and MP4. Videos will also tke advantage of DNSe where applicable.
# Runs S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2
# Will ship with 2 embedded games: FIFA 08 (EA) and Asphalt (Gameloft).
# 1200 mAH battery with quoted talk time of up to 300/510 min (3G/2.5G) and stand-by time up to 330 / 310 hrs (3G/2.5G). That should mean it should last 24 hours easily with moderate to heavy usage.
# The phone will be released in Europe during August and in the rest of the world during Septmeber.
Labels: Mobiles Reviews
Posted by Henry at 5:03 PM 1 comments
LG KC910 Reviews
LG KC910, a Super-Viewty with an 8 Megapixel Camera.
- The handset should be out in October
As rumored at the beginning of July, LG indeed has an 8 Megapixel handset, the KC 910, which is apparently set for an October launch. The new high-end handset from the South Korean company will be on par with the other two 8 Megapixel phones announced this year: Sony Ericsson C905 and Samsung Innov8 i8510.

Unlike these two handsets, though, LG KC910 will come with a touchscreen display, being the successor of the popular Viewty, sold until now in more than 2 million units. This will probably make the new LG appeal to a slightly different category of mobile users (the iPhone-loving one, if you want).
But until the KC910 gets to hit the market, let's see what it can offer. Besides having 8 Megapixels, the handset's camera comes with all the goodies worthy of Viewty: Schneider-Kreuznach lens, auto focus, xenon flash, VGA video recording (at 30fps) and lens cover. Plus, KC910's camera also features geotagging.
Furthermore, the new LG will bring the following: a 3 inch TFT touchscreen display with 240 x 400 pixels, Flash User Interface, Dolby technology for an exquisite audio experience, internal GPS, Wi-Fi, TV out, DivX support, Bluetooth 2.0 and so on. The handset also comes with quad-band GSM connectivity (850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz), but it only works on the 2100 MHz HSDPA frequencies. This means that, if it gets to be released in the US, the KC910 will not be able to provide 3G speeds to American users.
For the moment, the retail price of LG KC910 is not known, but the South Korean manufacturer should announce it pretty soon.
Anyway, while the KC910 and Sony Ericsson's C905 will be available starting October, Samsung's Innov8 is scheduled to come a month earlier, in September. This might allow the Innov8 to steal lots of users who are keen on owning an 8 Megapixel camera phone.
Which of the three handsets will be more successful in the end? We can't say, but we're surely going to find out in the upcoming months.
Labels: Mobiles Reviews
Posted by Henry at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Ahsan's Computer Virus
Detected MobiMb 3.6.6 as Virus!!
These files contains virus, that will active in 24 hours.
U can´t detect them with virusscanner after u have downloaded.
Installers contains A_K_B_PK.exe which installs itself in C:\ and always changes Show All Files and Hide Protected Sysetm Files and Folders options. It also changes My Computer to Ahsan's Computer and My Network Places to Ahsan's Place. It shows a spalsh screen near system tray. It has also changed Internet Explorers Window Title.
how to fix? please read more our article
Preparation ->
Windows Update
An unprotected, unpatched Windows XP installation will get infected within minutes of connecting to the Internet. Because of this, we'll require you to do install critical updates before providing assistance in our sites. If not, we're both just wasting our time.
The first step in this process is to apply Service Pack 1a for Windows XP. Without this update, you're wide open to re-infection, and we're both just wasting our time.
Click here:SP1
If you have SP2, just check for security patches
Apply the update.
Reboot normally
Download and install Ccleaner: HERE
For a basic version of CCleaner with no Yahoo Toolbar, select the second or third install option as follows:
Even if you selected Option 2 or 3, if you do not want the Yahoo Toolbar installed:
Uncheck "Add CCleaner Yahoo! Toolbar", as it is checked by default during CCleaner Setup
1. Before first use, check under Options, Advanced, and UNCHECK "Only delete files in Windows Temp folder older than 48 hours".
2. A pop up box will appear advising this process will permanently delete files from your system.
3. Then select the items you wish to clean up.
In the Windows Tab:
Clean all entries in the "Internet Explorer". Deleting cookies will require re-entry of user names and passwords on next visit to sites that require users log in.
Clean all the entries in the "Windows Explorer" section.
Clean all entries in the "System" section.
Clean all entries in the "Advanced" section.
Clean any others that you choose.
In the Applications Tab:
Clean all (optionally, except cookies) in the Firefox/Mozilla section if you use it.
Clean all in the Opera section if you use it.
Clean Sun Java in the Internet Section.
Clean any others that you choose.
4. Then click the "Run Cleaner" button and it will scan and clean your system. Click exit.
For W98/ME users
Spybot S&D -Spybot
Install Spybot and the DSO Exploit Fix. Start Spybot and select Update, Search For Updates, check the box next to each update and then select Download Updates. Next, select Search and Destroy, Check for problems and after scanning is complete, Fix selected problems marked with red. Finally, select Immunize and then the Immunize button to block common Spyware programs from installing.
Step Two: Viruses/Trojans
Please download Free Version of Superantispyware
Install it using the Standard Install option. (You will be asked for your e-mail address, it is safe to give it.
Start Superantispyware.
Hit - Scan Your Computer - button
Click on the drive(s) you want to scan. Put a check in - Perform Complete Scan, then next,
it will scan now. When scan have finished, put a checkmark with all items it found. Next, after cleaning, allow it to Reboot
Please download Combofix (only works with Windows XP, 2000, Vista):
and save to the desktop.
Close all other browser windows.
Double click on combo.exe & follow the prompts.
When finished, it will produce a logfile located at C:\ComboFix.txt.
Post the contents of that log in your next reply with a new hijackthis log.
Do not mouseclick combofix's window while it is running. That may cause your system to stall/hang.
Posting a Hijack This Log
Download Trend Micro™ HijackThis:
HijackThis.exe Download Link
Save it in a permanent folder of your choice, such as C:\HJT\. To create this specific folder on your hard drive: Double click the 'My Computer' icon on your desktop, then under the category hard disk drives: double click Local Disk:, then select file->New -> Folder and name it HJT
Choose the "Do a system scan and save a log file" option to perform your scan.
HijackThis will analyze your system, and automatically open a notepad textfile containing the HijackThis log when the scan is finished.
Open the text files containing the logs with a text editor and click Edit -> Select All, followed by Edit -> Copy.
From within the browser window and with the message body text box selected, click Edit -> Paste.
NB. We ask that you remove any P2P file sharing programs you have installed before we clean your computer. We do not clean logs that have P2P applications installed as this can cause reinfection during your cleaning.
no questions asked.
Labels: Computers, Virus Reviews
Posted by Henry at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Unlock Your MMC when it's locked
Your MMC is Locked ? And you forget what the password is ?
Don't worry, now you can unlocked it...
Use my App and your MMC will Unlocked...!
Compatible With :
SymbianOS s60v2 (Nokia 6600, Nokia 6630, Nokia 3230, Nokia N70, Nokia 6680, Nokia 7610, etc.)
Posted by Henry at 1:03 AM 0 comments
PocketDict version 1.0 for Smartphone and Java
PocketDict version 1.0 for Smartphone and Java
©2005 TJ Mobile [ Freeware]
This is English-Indonesia dictionary file for PocketDict application. It contains 23.000 entries (approx 1.8 Mb).
Requirements: PocketDict for Smartphone and Java MIDP
Download PocketDict English-Indonesia v1.0 for Smartphone
Labels: Downloads
Posted by Henry at 12:51 AM 0 comments
sony ericsson unlocker works on most phone (100% working)
his is where you can learn to unlock your SONY ERICSSON PHONE FOR FREE!
K530,K550,K550im,K610,K610im,K618,K770,K790,K800,K 818,S500,T650,V630,W580,W610,W660,W710,W830,W850,W 880,Z610,Z710
After it is done you can put any network sim card into your phone!
Here is the main programs
Posted by Henry at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Nokia Security Code Resetter Very Rare Designed By Dejan Bro
Sorry, but there's no descriptions About this..
But, you can find it inside the file, so, please download it first... Thanks n enjoy...
Posted by Henry at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
How To Unlock Your Nokia Phones
Here's the solution for you..
But, this is only for nokia 6630, Nokia 6680, Nokia N70, Nokia N90, Nokia3230.
So, please download this file first..
Download Here
Then follow this instructions :
1. download the application
2. extract it using WinZIP or WINRAR or anything like that
3. put it to your Memory Card using card reader or USB Cable to :
4. then put back your memory card to your phone
5. Done ! Your Phone Lock Code will restart automaticcaly to default as 12345
6. Enjoy....!!!
Labels: Tutorials
Posted by Henry at 7:17 PM 0 comments